Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Sweet Restoration

This will be short for right now, I had inventory at 4am this morning and could not get myself to fall asleep last night and therefore have been up since noon yesterday! =] Very exciting!

I just wanted to let everyone know that the relationship with my parents is surely better, we talked from noon till 6pm about a TON of stuff, getting it sorted, explained and understood and all that jazz. It was very good, it also included my brother, it ended with dinner and a board game. I'm very thankful for God and His grace and for jsut being present there today with us...I might write more about it later but right now I'm just sleepy and happy.
Me and my family on my birthday. =]


Tender Warrior said...

Today was a good day. I am glad that it went as planned, and I praise God for showing up and helping us all get through it. I am especially impressed with you and way you have begun to change into the person I fell in love with three years ago - strong in herself, daring and bold, truthful and loving, and today and yesterday I saw your strength shine through the murky waters of circumstance, and give the tender glow a only a woman at rest can give. Thank you my love, for being you, and doing it so well. I love you.

Cheeky Kitchen said...

Sleepy and happy is a nice place to be. I'm so glad to hear.

And...thank you for your visit to my blog from SITS last week. It was a treat to have you. Stop by anytime.

God bless.

KatBouska said...

Awww...you look so happy!!