Thursday, May 21, 2009

Finding the Way

This last week in the Bernock house...things have been FABULOUS! A couple of highlights to not get too detailed and write a book:
Nate started back at Disney last Saturday...he's liking that it's just a shift here or there, not full time and he can just get a little extra money and have fun. AND a few of the CP's [college program] people he worked with before are coming back for the summer so he's pumped.
As for me I just applied for a promotion with Urban and will find out when my interview is sometime in the next week. My department manager though REALLY loves me so I'm praying for just more favor so that I will get this position. It will allow me to help out more because it will be full time!
As for everything else...well I'll fill you in later, when I'm certain I can word it correctly. God is doing a work in us though that's for sure. He is good and faithful, and I'm just amazed with Him and His love for me. =] Hope you all are experiencing that blessing of knowing Him and His goodness!
Love and blessings to you.

1 comment:

MaricrisG said...

I can feel your happiness all the way here :) I hope everything turns out good for you both! Cheers!