Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Husband Brag

I know that it's all I've been talking's really one of the only things I can talk about at this point though. Blogland is super controversial, so I've taken to writing in my journal more. =] More people know about this blog than I was aware...and I don't want to be creating even more issues there are plenty already. SO Nate is looking AMAZING! Losing a steady 3 lbs a week, I'm so proud of him! Last night we went over to our friends [Otto and Michelle] house, and the way this shirt fit him really just blew me away...I mean I notice he is losing weight but sometimes it's a LOT more visible than others. This was one of those times, I told him I'd find a pic of him in this shirt before and then he could see why I was so overcome with excitement for him. I love him no matter his size, weight, hair cut, clothes...but the fact that he set out to do something and has followed through with the dedication to accomplish it, makes me SUPER proud of him. One of those things I always knew was in him, and it finally came out! GO NATE!!! =]
Dec 08' Aug 09'

Thanks for the prayers everyone, I think things might actually be coming together for us, FINALLY! And Nate has been chatting with his dad and getting a lot of clarity about things. God is truly working things together for good and in his perfect timing. =]
Blessings to you,


Anonymous said...

Holy cow! HOT STUFF!!

Peggy said...

Wow, good job Nate!! :)

God is awesome!